In one way or another, this past year changed us all. We have been stretched, and because of this, we have grown in more ways than we could have imagined just one year ago. Throughout it all, we have been reminded of God's faithfulness and steadfast love. At the CAPCC, we are thankful for our community of supporters who have encouraged and sustained us. Because of this, we have continued serving men, women, and families impacted by an unexpected pregnancy and its effects from our offices in Red Deer, Olds, and Rocky Mountain House. God provided by allowing us to begin to offer support in Drumheller in 2020 and we are excited to proceed with the plans to provide services in Stettler in 2021. Through God, no one was left unreached, no one was left alone, and no one was left without experiencing God's heart.

Thank you Anne Waddell! In 2020 we said farewell to our Executive Director of nine years. What a blessing she has been to the centre, our vision, and our clients during her time of incredible service. We celebrate her taking on new challenges and welcome Lisa Smith as our new Executive Director.
My Dear Friends,
I address you today with a heart of love and appreciation for your faithful and generous support of the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Center (CAPCC).
Nine years ago, I was honored and privileged to have been called to serve as Executive Director and to be part of a compassionate, passionate and loyal team of staff and volunteers. The last 32 years, God has provided the right leaders with the right gifts to lead for a season…His agenda for the organization.
My season as Executive Director has come to an end and it is time for me to say “farewell”. Be assured the love and passion I have for you and the work of the CAPCC is unchanged. Looking back, we were obedient to the “God-Given Vision” and witnessed God's agenda, expanding into other communities and developing the Maternity Home Program. All this was made possible by your faithful and generous support. Many of you have partnered financially, volunteered and served in other capacities.
The work will go on. Women, men and families impacted by an unplanned pregnancy, and its effects, will continue to need your compassionate support and resources.
Farewell…. Au Revoir…Until we meet again! May you be blessed with good health and perfect peace.
Anne Waddell

Pictured left to right: Anne Waddell, construction of new Red Deer office and Phase 2 Maternity Home (2018), ribbon cutting in Olds location (2014), grand opening of Phase 1 of Maternity Home (2017), Lisa Smith.

Annual Baby Bottle Campaign - May 9 - June 20, 2021
Drumheller Event - June, 2021 (TBD)
CAPCC Fall Banquet - October 21, 2021
Rocky Mountain House Dessert Evening - December 2, 2021
Stettler - TBD
Be a part of leaving a mark today that will affect generations to come. Share God's love through the gracious gift of time, one-time financial gifts, monthly donor subscriptions, and gifts of material items for our clients. Thank you for extending your generosity and love to those in need of unconditional love, education, and support. Give now at www.pregnancycare.ca/donate.

Thank you for your continued love and generosity.