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"Even though it had been years since my abortion, I was deeply wounded…I felt lost and like something wasn’t complete. I attended the post-abortion recovery program at the CAPCC. It was there that I learned about forgiveness; for myself, my parents, and all the other people who had unintentionally added to my wounding and brokenness. Through this amazing healing process, I learned to be more loving to the people around me; how to focus on being a better mom rather than spending my life and energy beating myself up.”

~CAPCC Client

Life is a series of lived moments experienced one moment at a time. A defining moment is a point in our lives when we must make a pivotal decision. It's a time when we experience something that fundamentally changes us. These moments challenge our beliefs and force us to recalibrate, having either a positive or negative effect.

The plans we make rarely include unexpected moments. When these moments happen, what we need most is encouragement, comfort, tenderness, compassion, and to know that we are valued and loved. At the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre, we recognize that some women experience an unexpected pregnancy under challenging circumstances. It is often the difference between the joy of pregnancy and the crisis of pregnancy.

For other women, the crisis of their circumstances leaves them feeling that their only option is abortion. After an abortion experience, negative emotions may arise. This moment in time may include grief, loss of relationships, self-worth, and hope for the future. Dr. Theresa Burke coined the phrase "forbidden grief" to describe the sadness and pain felt by many women following their abortion decision. While on this grieving journey, women are encouraged to connect with one of our client advocates as they work through their emotional responses.

The way we respond to the women and men who seek out our support directly impacts their understanding of who God is and how He sees them. It is crucial that each woman and man experience God’s grace and love through us. We desire to be there during these moments in time to walk alongside clients in their journey, to help build resilience and hope for the future.



We’re looking to add to our team of volunteers in our Red Deer office. If you are interested in making a difference in your community, please contact us! The next training session is October 14, 21, 28 & November 4 from 9:30 am-3:30 pm.

Upcoming Musical

We are thrilled to announce a new event with CAPCC. You may remember our Easter Musical Production, we will now also have a musical production for Christmas!!

Look for upcoming information on the our NEW Christmas Musical Celebration and join us in presenting the Christmas message to our community!

Planned Giving Information Seminar

You and your friends are invited to attend our Planned Giving Information Seminar.

  • Thursday, September 22, 2022

  • 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Balmoral Bible Chapel

  • (2700 55 Street, Red Deer)

Discover practical examples of how to invest in the work of the CAPCC while ensuring provision for your family members.

PRESENTERS: Altalaw (Wills & Estate Lawyer), Pivotal LLP (Chartered Accountants), The Cooperators (Financial Advisor)

Light Refreshments Will Be Served


RSVP by September 15, 2022


October 27, 2022, we are so thrilled to hold our 2022 Red Deer Fall Banquet - Moments in Time at the Cambridge Hotel. This exciting event is an opportunity to come together and celebrate the special moments in time that impact change, growth, healing, and inspiration.


  • Red Deer Fall Banquet MOMENTS IN TIME - October 27, 2022

  • Rocky Mountain House Dessert Evening MOMENTS IN TIME - December 1, 2022

  • Christmas Musical Production - December 1, 2, 3, 2022

Thank you to our generous community. You have helped so many lives in need of support and unconditional love. Your financial gifts allow women, men, and families facing an unexpected pregnancy to access the resources and tools they need to make a well-informed decision. Four easy ways to donate:

  1. Visit 

  2. Fill out the donation card provided below and return it in the mail to:

5116 47 Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1R9

      3. Send an e-transfer to

      4. Call 403.343.1619

Thank you for your continued love and generosity.



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