Colours are powerful communication tools and can be more effective than words. They influence our thinking, inspire decision-making, and promote emotional resonance. We are thrilled to introduce the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre's updated logo and new brand colours.
We have carefully chosen colours that reflect our values as an organization. One of the ongoing comments we hear from our clients is how warm and inviting our centres are. Orange expresses warmth, joy and emotional strength, helping clients feel welcomed and comfortable in our centre. It reminds them that they are not alone and have the loving care of someone nearby. Orange is created by mixing red and yellow, fittingly the other two colours we chose.
Cherry red conveys courage, determination, perseverance and love and compels us to take action. Our clients, particularly those in unexpected pregnancy situations, pregnancy losses, or abortion experiences, demonstrate daily courage. This courage empowers them to take action and make positive strides toward endless possibilities.
Yellow is the colour of sunshine, happiness, grace and optimism. Clients receive practical support, encouragement, and growth opportunities in a judgment-free, safe space. Through Pregnancy and Birth Education, Parenting Education, Healthy Relationship programs, and our Maternity Home, clients are treated with dignity, experience acceptance, and become hopeful for their future.
These colours are rooted in hope, and a splash of colour can make all the difference, bringing meaning to life's experiences!
Lisa Smith, Executive Director, Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre