It begins with compassion. When a woman experiences an unexpected pregnancy, compassion is the beginning of a relationship of trust and unconditional love. Extending grace and a sense of belonging; surrounding her with non-judgement acceptance, emotional support and practical resources; treating her with dignity and respect. That is compassion.
Engagement with truth happens when a women learns about all of the options available in order to make a well-informed decision. Every women and her circumstances are different and have unique challenges. She is educated on the options of abortion, parenting, and adoption. Once equipped with the truth, she will be able to move forward with her decision.
Instilling hope. An unplanned pregnancy is often accompanied by feelings of hopelessness. However, hope is offered through compassion and truth. Knowing that she is cared for and believed in, hope paints a picture of possibilities and opportunities.

"I had just gone through an ugly breakup and then I found out I was pregnant. I already had two children and could barely make ends meet as it was. I was supposed to start college in three weeks plus I had severe mental health issues. I was heartbroken but I felt like my only option was abortion. My sister told me about the CAPCC so I went there hoping to find some help. They gave me information on all of my options and showed me some useful decision-making tools. They encouraged me to take some time and helped me look at my situation from another perspective. They offered to support me, no matter what. I am so grateful to the CAPCC for giving me hope and for equipping me to make a decision." ~ CAPCC Client
As the new Executive Director for the CAPCC, one of my desires this next year is to deepen and strengthen our core services of offering information about pregnancy, abortion, parenting and adoption. The expansion into Stettler is moving forward as we actively recruit a Director for this new satellite location. We need to continue to grow a sustainable financial foundation so that we can respond to the needs of our Central Alberta community in innovative ways. No women should face an unplanned pregnancy alone and I hope for the day when every women in our area is given the opportunity to reach her full potential, to live abundantly, knowing how much she is truly valued and loved.
It has been a full year of cancelled banquets and other fundraising events. More than ever, we need your financial gifts so that women, men and families can be served; to bring compassion, truth and hope to their lives. By investing monthly, you are joining a community dedicated to sustaining our mission to provide support and education to individuals and families impacted by an unexpected pregnancy and its effects. As you prayerfully consider your gift-giving this spring, know that we are praying for you as well.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11. Your monthly or one-time gift helps bring compassion, truth and hope to the lives of individuals and families who need it the most. Thank you for helping bring hope to women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy.
You and I still have the same goal. We belong to Christ and are His disciples. We both want to help women and families thrive. Your financial gifts will help us reach this goal. Thanks to you, we have been able to continue to offer compassion, truth and hope in Red Deer, Olds, Rocky Mountain House and Drumheller. Thank you for your unconditional love and support.
Lisa Smith, Executive Director
2021 Baby Bottle Campaign - May 9th to June 20th, 2021
Drumheller Annual Fundraiser - July 2021
Stettler Annual Fundraiser - TBD
Red Deer Fall Banquet - October 21, 2021
Rocky Mountain House Dessert Evening - December 2, 2021
Olds Dessert Evening - TBD
Journals, diapers (size 3-5), baby wipes, baby wash, diaper cream, gift cards (Costco, Superstore, and Walmart)
Give the gift of your time. Discover opportunities at
Did you know you can give one-time gifts and schedule monthly giving online? Visit pregnancycare.ca/donate

Thank you for your continued love and generosity.